Thursday Treats

Thursdays usually start with a trip to the pool for Miss One’s swimming lesson. It is quite wonderful to see the progress of all the little ones as their confidence grows.

The day is even more special when Mr Nearly One arrives and there are some cousin antics to entertain, especially with both of them at the early walking stages. It also means things are going up higher!

I had to scoot off to attend a PVA (Partners of Veterans Association) meeting and the young parents opted to take the toddlers out for some lunch. Juliette and Mama bear headed home to the big smoke and Joey delighted his Mom with a solid afternoon sleep.

It is late summer, and the humidity has been unrelenting, so we headed to the beach for all things splash, mosh and play.

Water play builds a big appetite, so we did a quick smash and grab at the supermarket.

I tried a new recipe tonight, a chicken and leek pie which was delicious and worth the effort.

It has cooled down tonight and the stillness has given way to a fresh breeze. The collie is already sleeping beside my bed, and I will not be far behind him.

Photo by Kristin Vogt on

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