Wednesday Wonders

It was an early start as my favourite live in barista (the husband) was off at dawn to catch the first flight out. No dozing back to sleep today and even worse, there would be no coffee waiting for me.

Eventually I gave in, got up, fed the dog and made my own coffee – which is never as good. I cannot explain the science, but a cuppa made by someone else usually tastes better, especially tea. Perhaps it is because modern tea with bags and fast kettles is pretty hard to bugger up. Coffee, well – I could imagine that people might have their own routine and technique.

It was a busy day filled with the well-earned luxuries of being retired. The most rewarding aspect of terminal unemployment is the sheer bliss of time. I have recently joined an art group where dedicated time is set aside to sketch, talk and be very present with a wonderful eclectic group of artists. I am putting my toe in! Jude is a successful and accomplished artist who mentors the group with grace, humour and a passion for all art media.

They are a kind, gentle, funny and very interesting group working on an array of projects. I have been welcomed warmly and today we headed off to lunch together, to a little place I had not been before.

The afternoon was slow and easy with a visit from my beautiful daughter and cheeky little granddaughter. We chatted and watched the little Miss enjoying her new toddly walking skill. It feels like a little gift from heaven watching her face light up with joy and pride as she makes it across the room.

We headed off for our walk along the beachfront and felt the full force of a particularly balmy, still afternoon. Messy dinner, slippery kiwi, water bottle up, down, up, down and then as my kid calls it – bath, book, bottle, bed. The bubba did get a smidge extra time tonight as she was immersed with a puzzle and rewarded us with learning a new shape – the triangle!

We are all up for an early night now as we never can be quite sure of what sort of a night Miss One has in stall for us!

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